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Derwent Class What’s Happening This Week Commencing 6th November 2017

Derwent What’s Happening This Week

(Week Commencing 6th November 2017)

In Derwent this week we are learning the following:



In English this week we are writing narratives about dragons.



In spelling, punctuation and grammar we are focussing on recalling split digraph in phonics and looking at suffixes in SPAG. We will also continue to working on using expanded noun phrases, adverbs and prepositions in our writing.



In maths we are focussing on subtraction and looking at different methods for solving subtraction problems.


Maths Basics:

Maths basics  are key skills/facts children need to know.  In maths basics this week we are focusing on the 5 times tables and rounding to 10 (Y2) and 100 (Y3). As well as number patterns – counting on in 2s, 3s, 5s, 10s, 50s and 100s.


Creative Curriculum:

We work on a theme every term and this term our key question is ‘Vikings, barbarians or innovators?’.  This week we are focussing on researching Vikings and finding interesting and exciting facts.




Homework is set every night.  From Monday to Thursday children will have:

  • 4 very short maths questions
  • 2 sentences to write using their spellings
  • reading (+ one more reading over the weekend)


Spellings are learnt in class but if you could help with practising at home, this would be brilliant.

Spellings we are focusing on in class this week are:


skip + -ed = skipped jump + ed = jumped
hop + -ed = hopped march + ed = marchedi
teach + er = teacher fast + er = faster
kind + est = kindest mean + est = meanest
cheer + ing = cheering fly + ing = flying


Knowing times tables and number bond (pairs of numbers to 10/20 and beyond) well helps children make massive progress in maths so any help you can give your child will be great.  Your child has a Number Gym log in and password in their planners and if they could go on Number Gym at home, even for 5 minutes, it will really help them have a secure knowledge and faster recall of times tables and number facts.


Children also have a Times Tables Rockstars log in to help them practice their times tables in a different way.

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