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Foss Class What’s Happening This Week Commencing 15th January 2018

Foss What’s Happening This Week

(Week Commencing 15th January 2018)

In Foss this week we are learning the following:


In English this week we are learning about newspapers.  We will be looking at their features and writing our own newspaper report about the alien spacecraft crashing on the school field..



In spelling, punctuation and grammar we are focussing on using the ‘mb’ sound.  Remembering If the word ends in the mb sound then the b is silent.  If the word has mb in the middle you need to say the b sound, example, number.



In maths we are focusing on division and solving word problems using division.  


Maths Basics:

Maths basics  are key skills/facts children need to know.  In maths basics this week we are focusing on times tables and halving and doubling of odd numbers.


Creative Curriculum:

We will be doing some based around rainforests of the world.




Homework is set every night.  From Monday to Thursday children will have:

  • 4 very short maths questions
  • 3 sentences to write
  • reading (+ one more reading over the weekend)


Spellings are learnt in class but if you could help with practising at home, this would be brilliant.

Spellings we are focusing on in class this week are:


Climb Bomb
Tomb Limb
Thumb Plumber
Numb Number
Crumb Slumber


Games/ websites/ activities to help with this pattern:


Knowing times tables and number bond (pairs of numbers to 10/20 and beyond) well helps children make massive progress in maths so any help you can give your child will be great.  Your child has a Number Gym login and password in their planners and if they could go on Number Gym at home, even for 5 minutes, it will really help them have a secure knowledge and faster recall of times tables and number facts.

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