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What’s Happening week Commencing 10th June

Monday 10th June – Coffee morning with Mr Card from 9am. Wednesday 12th June – Father’s Day Lunch at 12pm. Thursday 13th June – Transition day for Year 6 students attending Brayton Academy. Reception New Starters September 2019 meeting 5pm at school....
Posted On 07 Jun 2019
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Attendance Superstars! Week Commencing 20th May

Congratulations to Foss and Nidd who are our Classopoly attendance champions in school this week with 100%! Congratulations also to all classes for everyone being in school on time every day last week! Well done everyone!
Posted On 05 Jun 2019
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Attendance Superstars! Week Commencing 13th May

Congratulations to Derwent, Humber and Nidd who are our Classopoly attendance champions in school this week with 100%! Congratulations also to all Teams for everyone being in school on time every day last week! Well done everyone!
Posted On 21 May 2019
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What’s Happening week Commencing 20th May

Thursday 23rd of May is our whole school trip to Countryside Live Event at Ledston. Fingers crossed for some sunshine. Friday 24th May school breaks up at 3.30pm for half term.  Have a lovely week!  
Posted On 17 May 2019
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Attendance Superstars! Week Commencing 29th April

  Congratulations to Nidd, Derwent and Foss who are our Classopoly attendance champions in school this week with 98%! Congratulations also to Foss, Nidd and Humber for everyone being in school on time every day last week! Well done everyone!
Posted On 07 May 2019
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Easter Concert Reminder

Please be reminded that we are holding an Easter Concert tomorrow, Wednesday 10th April at 2.45pm. All the children will be taking part so please come and join us.  
Posted On 09 Apr 2019
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Easter Lunch Reminder

For those who have booked, please be reminded that the Easter Lunch is tomorrow Wednesday 10th April at 12pm. We look forward to seeing you there.  
Posted On 09 Apr 2019
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Gardening Club

If your child attends Gardening Club this will continue on Tuesday 30th April. However, please note there will no club on the 7th & 14th May.
Posted On 08 Apr 2019
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Attendance Superstars! Week Commencing 1st April

  Congratulations to Humber who are our Classopoly attendance champions in school this week with 100%! Congratulations also to Foss for everyone being in school on time every day last week! Well done everyone!
Posted On 08 Apr 2019
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What’s Happening Friday 12th April

Friday 12th April 2.45pm – Easter Service.  All classes will be taking part in Easter presentations and it will also be Mrs Fletcher’s last assembly so I do hope you can join us.  
Posted On 05 Apr 2019
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