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Parking Safety

Please could we ask that when children are dropped off at school or parked when bring in or collecting children from school that cars are parked appropriately and safely as we have been informed that sometimes this has not been the case. We know it is such a busy time in a...
Posted On 12 Dec 2018
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Christmas Play

Just a reminder that it is our Christmas play this Thursday 2pm and 6pm. Our Christmas play this year is based on a book, Angel Small. We are really lucky that the author of the book is coming in to school Thursday afternoon, and will be signing books if anyone would like to...
Posted On 11 Dec 2018
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Walking and Cycling Home

We are currently updating our records.  If you wish for your child to be allowed to leave school without an adult, we must have a completed consent form to comply with our walking home policy (this includes meeting parents at the school gates).  Please note if we do not have...
Posted On 11 Dec 2018
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Christmas Letters

Children will be bringing home letters regarding the Christmas play over the next couple of days. There will be a costume letter and a ticket letter. Please check the children’s book bags. Thank you
Posted On 26 Nov 2018
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No After School Clubs Thursday 29th November 2018

Just to inform you that there will be no after school clubs this Thursday, 29th November 2018.  
Posted On 26 Nov 2018
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Attendance Superstars!

  Congratulations to Nidd (Reception and Year 1 Children) who are our Classopoly attendance champions in school this week with 95.93%! Congratulations also to all classes for everyone being in school on time every day last week! Well done everyone!
Posted On 26 Nov 2018
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Derwent Class What’s Happening This Week Commencing 26th November 2018

Derwent What’s Happening This Week (Week Commencing 26th November 2018) In Derwent this week we are learning the following:   English: In English this week we will start looking at ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ focusing on sequencing and talk for writing.  ...
Posted On 26 Nov 2018
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Drax Church Christingle Service – 1st December 2018

Dear Parents/Carers You are invited to join us at St Peter and St Paul, Drax Church, on Saturday the 1st December from 4.30 for a candlelit Christingle service to celebrate the start of Advent. This will be followed by carols, brass music, mulled wine, mince pies and the...
Posted On 23 Nov 2018
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Non uniform day tomorrow

Our Christmas Fair is fast approaching and we are in desperate need of tombola prizes.  So, tomorrow we are having a non-uniform day.  If your child would like to come in non uniform and bring something for our Christmas tombola, we would be really grateful. Also, letters will be...
Posted On 22 Nov 2018
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After School Clubs

Please be aware that there are no after school clubs in December, therefore next week is our final week. Details of after school clubs starting in January will be sent out soon.
Posted On 22 Nov 2018
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