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Attendance Superstars!

  Congratulations to Humber (Year 6 Children) who are our Classopoly attendance champions in school this week with 98.92%! Congratulations also to Foss for everyone being in school on time every day last week! Well done everyone!
Posted On 20 Nov 2018
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What’s Happening week Commencing 19th November 2018

This is what’s happening week commencing 19th November 2018   Thursday 22nd November 2018 Science crime scene investigation evening from 6pm- come join us and join in with lots of science activities to solve the crime! Friday 23rd November 2018 Derwent Sharing Assembly...
Posted On 20 Nov 2018
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Head Lice

We have had several parents advising us of head lice in school.  We are sure you check your child’s hair regularly but please can you check your child’s hair just to make sure please. Many thanks.
Posted On 19 Nov 2018
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Children in Need Bun Sale Today After School

After school today we will be selling buns for ‘Children in Need’.  Buns will be on sale (25p each). Many thanks
Posted On 15 Nov 2018
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Nidd Class What’s Happening This Week Commencing 12th November 2018

This week it is parent teacher meetings.  We will also be having our Diwali celebrations on Wednesday afternoon which we look forward to seeing you at.   Literacy This week we are writing our own dinosaur stories and learning about Diwali.  We will be also be reading the...
Posted On 13 Nov 2018
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Humber Class What’s Happening This Week Commencing 12th November 2018

Team Humber –  What’s Happening This Week (Week Commencing 12th November 2018) In Humber this week we are learning the following:   English: In English this week, we are continuing with our class novel – War Horse. We will also be finishing our...
Posted On 13 Nov 2018
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No After School Clubs Next Week

Just to inform you that there will be no after school clubs week commencing 12th November 2018.  
Posted On 07 Nov 2018
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Diwali Afternoon Date Change

We are really sorry but we have to change our date for Diwali lunch and Diwali themed afternoon to Wednesday 14th November. The children will have their themed lunch as originally planned on Wednesday and Pork dinner on Tuesday. You DO NOT need to change any bookings through...
Posted On 07 Nov 2018
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Nidd Class What’s Happening This Week Commencing 5th November 2018

  Literacy We found out lots of facts about dinosaurs before the holidays and now we are ready to start planning our own dinosaur adventure story this week. We will also be learning about Bonfire Night and the Gunpowder Plot as well as Remembrance Day.   Numeracy In...
Posted On 05 Nov 2018
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Parents NSPCC Workshop – Cancelled

Unfortunately the Online Safety workshop has had to be cancelled due to lack of interest. If we have more interest and are able to arrange another date in the future, we will let you know.
Posted On 23 Oct 2018
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