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Wrap Around Care and Nursery

Great news, we will be sending home leaflets regarding wrap around care and our Nursery.  If you would like to book a place, please return the form as soon as possible.
Posted On 06 Jun 2018
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Humber Class What’s Happening This Week Commencing 11th June 2018

Team Humber –  What’s Happening This Week (Week Commencing 11th June 2018) In Humber this week we are learning the following:   English: We are continuing with our independent writing, . SPaG/Phonics: In spelling, punctuation and grammar we are working on using...
Posted On 06 Jun 2018
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Humber Class What’s Happening This Week Commencing 4th June 2018

Team Humber –  What’s Happening This Week (Week Commencing 4th June 2018)   In Humber this week we are off on residential to Robinwood!   On Monday and Tuesday, in maths we will be constructing charts and graphs: particularly focussing on drawing distance...
Posted On 06 Jun 2018
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No Foss Sharing Assembly This Week

Foss will not be having a sharing assembly this week due to the change of teacher.  Thank you for your understanding.
Posted On 06 Jun 2018
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Staff Training Days

Just to clarify, we have a staff training day Friday 29th June 2018 and Monday 23rd July 2018.  Which means that children will break up for the summer holidays on Friday 20th July at 1pm.    
Posted On 06 Jun 2018
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Foss Class What’s Happening This Week Commencing 4th June 2018

Foss What’s Happening This Week (Week Commencing 4th June 2018 ) In Foss this week we are learning the following: English: In English this week we are learning to write instructions using fronted adverbials and learning how to locate and identify expanded noun phrases....
Posted On 05 Jun 2018
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Nidd Class What’s Happening This Week Commencing 21st May 2018

Literacy This week we are reading Handa’s Surprise and writing our own surprising ending to the story.   We will be finding out about Christopher Columbus and doing a science investigation about floating which we will be writing a report about.   Numeracy In Reception we are...
Posted On 04 Jun 2018
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Countryside Live School Trip – Tomorrow

Our school trip to ‘Countryside Live’ show at Ledsham, South Milford is tomorrow.  We have booked some exciting workshops for each class during the day so we are all really looking forward to the day. Please could all children come to school in school uniform with suitable...
Posted On 23 May 2018
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Class Photographs

Our class photographs will be taken on Tuesday 5th June 2018. Year 6 will also have individual leavers photographs taken. More info on how to purchase the photos will be sent via ParentPay.
Posted On 23 May 2018
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Family Bingo Night – Today at 5:30pm

Come and join us today! For more info click on the link below Family Bingo Night  
Posted On 23 May 2018
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