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Foss Class What’s Happening This Week Commencing 4th December 2017

Foss What’s Happening This Week (Week Commencing 4th December 2017) In Foss this week we are learning the following:   English: In English this week we are learning to use adverbs in different places within a sentence and build on our use of punctuation.  ...
Posted On 01 Dec 2017
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Nidd Class What’s Happening This Week Commencing 4th December 2017

Literacy This week we are reading ‘The First Christmas’  We will be finding out about why we celebrate Christmas and how other people celebrate Christmas too.   Numeracy In maths we are learning to solve number problems with addition and subtraction.   In Reception we...
Posted On 30 Nov 2017
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Humber Class What’s Happening This Week Commencing 4th December 2017

Team Humber –  What’s Happening This Week (Week Commencing 4th December2017) In Humber this week we are learning the following:   English: In English this week we are creating leaflets to inform people about Hull, and persuade them to visit – using our...
Posted On 30 Nov 2017
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Menu Change Week Commencing 11th December 2017

On Wednesday 13th December the school dinner will be changed to the following, due to having Christmas dinner on Friday 15th December.   Breaded Salmon & Ketchup Peas, Carrots, Potato Wedges Tomato Bread **************** Krispie Date Crunch
Posted On 29 Nov 2017
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Christmas Craft Sessions

The following leaflet will be coming home today regarding our Christmas Craft Session, please complete and return the slip to book a place.   Chrsitmas Craft Session
Posted On 29 Nov 2017
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Non-Uniform day tomorrow – Donation to the Christmas Fayre Tombola

Your child can wear their own clothes tomorrow in exchange for a prize fro the Christmas Fayre tombola e.g. smellies, wine, chocolates.  Thank you.
Posted On 23 Nov 2017
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School Water Bottles

We now have water bottles available, printed with our school logo.  These can be bought through the school office for £2.50 per bottle.  Thank you
Posted On 23 Nov 2017
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Head Lice

We have been made aware of a case of head lice, please can you check your child.  Thank you
Posted On 23 Nov 2017
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Nidd Class What’s Happening This Week Commencing 27th November 2017

Literacy This week we are finding out about how castles were attacked and we are building our own attacking machines.  We will be writing about how we made them as well as writing lots of labels for our designs.  We are trying really hard to make sure we remember our capital...
Posted On 23 Nov 2017
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Derwent Class What’s Happening This Week Commencing 27th November 2017

Derwent What’s Happening This Week (Week Commencing 27th November 2017) In Derwent this week we are learning the following:   English: In English this week we are writing non-chronological reports/information texts.   SPaG/Phonics: In spelling, punctuation and...
Posted On 23 Nov 2017
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