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Schools open only for vulnerable children and children of key workers

The Prime Minister has imposed new lockdown restrictions to combat the escalating Covid-19 crisis, which means all schools will now only be open for vulnerable children and children of key workers. Education will be delivered by remote learning, online or through workbooks...
Posted On 05 Jan 2021
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Reverse Advent Calendar Progress

Thank you all so much for your huge generosity!! Look how well we are doing!!
Posted On 08 Dec 2020
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Remembrance Day 2020

The children marked Remembrance Day by creating a fabulous display of poppies. Each child in school contributed by making their own individual poppy. Can you spot yours?  
Posted On 13 Nov 2020
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Run Around the World

      We ran around the world! We have now completed our challenge – and children and staff at our 24 schools have ‘ran around the world’. During the 31 days of May we walked, ran, cycled or wheeled over 44,000km, which allowed us to ‘travel’ across our planet. All...
Posted On 02 Jun 2020
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Run Around the World Update

  We’re homeward bound on our charity challenge. We’re now over 31,500 kilometres in and we’re sailing past the famous Galapogas Islands. There’s only a few days left in May, but hopefully still plenty of opportunities to get out and about....
Posted On 28 May 2020
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Run Around the World Update

We’ve now travelled over 26,500km and we’re in the Pitcairn Islands in the Pacific Ocean – where the mutineers from Bounty ended up! We’re about to enter our final week of the challenge and luckily, as it’s half-term, there will be lots of opportunities to...
Posted On 22 May 2020
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Run Around the World Update

We’re nearly half-way through our challenge and almost half-way around the world – we’re in Australia! Between us we’ve covered almost 18,000 kilometres! Keep it up, everyone, and don’t forget to include family and friends. Importantly, make sure you log your distances using this...
Posted On 15 May 2020
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