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Attendance Superstars!

  Congratulations to Derwent Class (Year 2 and 3 Children) who are our Classopoly attendance champions in school this week with 100%! Congratulations also to All Classes for everyone being in school on time every day last week! Well done everyone!
Posted On 17 Sep 2018
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Book Day

On Friday 21st September we will be having our book day where children are invited to dress up as a character from their favourite book, bringing the book in with them. We will be having a parade in assembly at 3pm to find out what exciting things the children have been doing. ...
Posted On 17 Sep 2018
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‘Tic Tac Toe!’

Dear parents,   This year one of our key priorities in school is reading. As you know reading at home has so many benefits and we want to make sure this is having the maximum impact on the children as a result, homework will look different this year. We have invented ‘Tic...
Posted On 13 Sep 2018
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What’s Happening week Commencing 17th September 2018

This is what’s happening week commencing 17th September 2018.   Tuesday 18th September 2018 6pm Kingswood residential meeting Years 4 and 5.  Parents and children are invited to a meeting outlining the residential, including what to take, what the children will be...
Posted On 13 Sep 2018
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No After School Clubs Next Week

Just to inform you that there will be no after school clubs week commencing 12th November 2018.  
Posted On 12 Sep 2018
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Attendance Superstars!

  Congratulations to Humber Class (Year 6 Children) who are our Classopoly attendance champions in school this week with 98.53%! Congratulations also to All Classes for everyone being in school on time every day last week! Well done everyone!
Posted On 11 Sep 2018
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Nidd Class What’s Happening This Week Commencing 10th September 2018

Literacy This week we are reading ‘Funny bones’  We are talking about our Families and using lots of adjectives to describe ourselves.  We are learning all about our bodies.   Numeracy In maths we are learning about numbers to 10 and solving lots of number problems while we...
Posted On 10 Sep 2018
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Derwent Class What’s Happening This Week Commencing 10th September 2018

Derwent What’s Happening This Week (Week Commencing 10th September 2018) In Derwent this week we are learning the following:   English: In English this week we are continuing to learn how to write a character description based on our text ‘The Name Jar’. We will be...
Posted On 10 Sep 2018
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School Uniform available from Tesco

We now have a number of uniform items available from, including Jumpers, cardigans, polo shirts, PE t-shirts, book bags, PE bags and back packs.  We are hoping to have caps available soon. Water bottles can still be purchased through ParentPay and collected from the office.
Posted On 18 Jul 2018
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1pm finish on Friday 20th July

Children will be finishing school at 1pm Friday, children will leave school in the usual way. If we have authorisation that your child can walk home after school this will apply for Friday unless we are told otherwise.
Posted On 18 Jul 2018
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