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Forest Schools ready to go!

We are delighted to have received funding from Camblesforth Parish Council and Drax Community Fund to pay for waterproof clothing and Forest Schools resources so our children can take part in outdoor education. We received £639.60 from the parish council and £200 from Drax – a...
Posted On 02 Oct 2019

Long term planning

Our long term plans ensure we cover the skills and knowledge needed throughout the different key stages. This term Key Stage one and two are doing the topic Near and Far. These are in draft form and will continue to be developed by the teaching team.   KS1 Long term plan...
Posted On 22 Sep 2019

Parent Governor vacancy

We currently have a vacancy for a parent governor. Please read the information below. The closing date for registering your nomination is Friday 25th October. We will then hold an election process after half term.
Posted On 19 Sep 2019


We still have spaces for i2i football tomorrow after school. Unfortunately due to this being an external company, if we do not get the minimum number of children it will have to be cancelled.
Posted On 16 Sep 2019

Sporting Achievements

  We are delighted to announce that we, Camblesforth Community Primary School, have achieved the School Games BRONZE Mark Award for the 2018/19 academic year. The School Games Mark is a Government led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to...
Posted On 12 Sep 2019

Welcome back

Dear All, I hope you all had a wonderful summer and are now ready to settle back into the new academic year. The children have come back to school today with a renewed energy and readiness for learning. It has been so lovely to see them all again and to catch up with their summer...
Posted On 03 Sep 2019


School Updates Over the summer we have few exciting projects happening. The wild area will have a secure fence added so that this space can be developed into a specific ‘Forest School Zone’. The growing beds and wild area will all become one fenced in zone. From September...
Posted On 17 Jul 2019

Sporting success

On Sunday 7th July children from our school represented Selby District in the Quad Kids small schools event at the North Yorkshire Finals at Queen Margaret’s school. The children all tried really hard and did themselves and the school proud. Overall the school finished 4th,...
Posted On 15 Jul 2019