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Pupils in Key Stage 2 have built their own robots from recycled materials as part of an initiative developed by Drax to boost STEM education and skills. Students aged between seven and eleven, were provided with individual activity boxes containing a range of learning materials,...
Posted On 29 Apr 2023

Medium term planning Summer 2023

Medium Term planning Summer 2022_2023
Posted On 24 Apr 2023

Medium term planning Spring 2023

Whole school Spring term planning 2022-2023
Posted On 16 Dec 2022

‘A day in the life of a Hindu’

The children of Camblesforth launched their theme learning through week with a visit from ‘Hinduism Education Service’ on Friday 2nd December. The aim of the day was to boost the childrens and teachers knowledge and understanding of Hinduism. The children from EYFS...
Posted On 05 Dec 2022

PTFA AGM meeting minutes 3.11.2022

PTFA AGM Minutes 03.11.2022
Posted On 27 Nov 2022

Dance Festival 2022

Congratulations to a  group of our Key Stage 2 children for taking the Yorkshire Schools Dance Festival sponsored by Yorkshire Education on Sunday 13th November 2022!!! The theme of the show was ‘Picture This’ – an opportunity to use visual images as a starting...
Posted On 21 Nov 2022

Otters and Pandas go space crazy!

To kick start Reception and KS1’s new topic ‘My Amazing World’, Alfresco Learning were invited into school to deliver a Neil Armstrong inspired workshop. The children learnt all about who Neil Armstrong was and the critical moment of the moon landing. After learning some...
Posted On 20 Sep 2022

Medium term planning for Autumn 2022 (whole school)

Medium Term Plans Autumn 1 2022
Posted On 06 Sep 2022

‘School Games Gold Award’

Mr Jeff is delighted to announce we have been awarded  the ‘Gold School Games Mark’ award  for the 2021-2022 academic year. The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their...
Posted On 19 Aug 2022

Healthy Schools Bronze Award!

    We are delighted to tell you that we have achieved the Bronze Healthy Schools Award! The Healthy Schools Award is a recognition of how we contribute to the health and wellbeing of everyone in our school. There are 4 themes: Emotional Health and Wellbeing Active...
Posted On 14 Jul 2022