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What’s Happening week Commencing 22nd October 2018

This is what’s happening week commencing 22nd October 2018   Tuesday 23rd October NSPCC On-Line safety workshop for Parents 2:30-3:30pm Wednesday 24th October 2018 Halloween Disco Reception to Y3 3:30pm-4:30pm Year 4/5/6 4:45-6:00pm Friday 26th October 2018 Halloween...
Posted On 22 Oct 2018
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Humber Class What’s Happening This Week Commencing 22nd October 2018

Team Humber –  What’s Happening This Week (Week Commencing 22nd October 2018) In Humber this week we are learning the following:   English: In English this week, we are continuing with our class novel – War Horse. We will also be looking at some WW1 poetry...
Posted On 22 Oct 2018
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Nidd Class What’s Happening This Week Commencing 22nd October 2018

This week we have: Halloween Disco on Wednesday 3:30-4:30pm.   School photos on Tuesday.   NSPCC workshops for the children on Tuesday with a parent workshop 2:30-3:30 about online safety. Friday: Halloween lunch.  Autumn afternoon with parents 2:00-3:00pm   Literacy We have...
Posted On 22 Oct 2018
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Derwent Class What’s Happening This Week Commencing 22nd October 2018

Derwent What’s Happening This Week (Week Commencing 22nd  October 2018) In Derwent this week we are learning the following:   English: In English this week we will continue with the ‘Journey’ as our main text focus. We will edit and publish our narratives.  ...
Posted On 22 Oct 2018
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Foss Class What’s Happening This Week Commencing 22nd October 2018

Foss What’s Happening This Week (Week Commencing 22nd October 2018)   In Foss this week we are learning the following:   English: In English this week we are continuing with our three week narrative unit. We are still working on our guided write which we will...
Posted On 22 Oct 2018
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Parents NSPCC Workshop

The NSPCC are offering an Online Safety Workshop for Parents. Location: Camblesforth CP Academy Date: Tuesday 23rd October 2018 Time: 2:30pm The free hour‑long workshop will help you understand your child’s online world and know how to keep them safe. To book a place, please come...
Posted On 18 Oct 2018
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The NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay safe. programme is visiting our school to make sure our pupils have the knowledge and understanding they need to stay safe from abuse. I’m pleased to tell you that we will be working with the NSPCC, the UK’s leading children’s charity, who’ll be...
Posted On 18 Oct 2018
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Poppies for Sale

We have paper poppies for sale for a donation, we also have some additional items; Friendship Bracelet – £1.00 Slap Ruler – £1.00 Wristband – 50p Reflector – 50p Pencils – 50p These items can be purchased from the office.  
Posted On 17 Oct 2018
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Attendance Superstars!

  Congratulations to Foss Class (Year 4 and 5 Children) and Humber Class (Year 6 children) who are our Classopoly attendance champions in school this week with 100%! Congratulations also to Foss and Derwent for everyone being in school on time every day last week! Well done...
Posted On 15 Oct 2018
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Foss Class What’s Happening This Week Commencing 15th October 2018

Foss What’s Happening This Week (Week Commencing 15th October 2018)   In Foss this week we are learning the following:   English: In English this week we will be starting a three week narrative unit. We will work on a guided write for two weeks and then in the...
Posted On 15 Oct 2018
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