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What a great start to our term!

What a great start we have had this week!  The children have come back buzzing to learn and have shown some great progress already.  We have had a very busy week with our alien invasion on Tuesday and activities that children have been doing as a result.

There are lots of things planned this term too.  Please look at ‘What’s Happening This Term’ in our Key Info on the website from next week.  A list of what we have planned is also attached to this post in the meantime.  We will also let you know each week what is happening.  Please put the dates in your diaries for our maths and writing workshops, our next parent forum as well as everything else that is happening.

We are continually trying to improve our communication with parents and acting on parents views.  Next week we are launching BLOOMZ which we talked about last term.  This is a way of sending messages to and from the teacher and will be used instead of text messages.  There will be letters going out and a ‘Positive Promise’ agreement.  BLOOMZ has been used very successfully in other schools.  We will also be using  BLOOMZ to book parent teacher meetings this term so please subscribe.

I would also like to thank parents for subscribing to Parent Pay which will make paying for trips, school meals, signing up for clubs much easier with no lost letters and slips in bags.

Enjoy the weekend.

Please do not hesitate to pop in and see me or leave a message for me to speak to you if you have any queries or concerns.  I would much rather you come in and see me or the class teacher rather than worry.

Many thanks for your support for our school,

Mrs Fletcher


Calendar Dates For Spring Term 2017 for website.docx

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